The New Normal for Schools Around the World


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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to halt. Businesses stopped, people isolated and schools closed, it is something that we have never seen before. However, life is slowly but definitely coming back to normal – a new normal.

The rapid spread of the virus forced schools to close down all around the world, as children can easily get affected or be carriers of the virus. This directly affected more than 1.4 billion kids especially kids with special needs as online studying is not as effective for them. Thankfully, the rage of this virus is now dying down in many countries and a number of states all around the world have decided to reopen schools with a set of new rules. China, Denmark, Israel, Taiwan, Norway, and Japan are reopening schools and a number of precautionary measures are being taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

To minimize the threat of infection, these countries have set in place a list of rules that will define the new normal in the Post-COVID world.

Six Feet Apart: Minimum Distance To Spread The Spread of COVID-19

Schools are keeping desks and chairs six feet apart from each other and are not allowing parents to visit the schools. No form of physical contact is allowed between students, their teachers, and the school staff. Schools in Denmark are setting up multiple entrances to prevent crowding while Chinese students are wearing hats of large diameters to encourage distancing, and keep themselves safe from COVID-19.

Regular Temperature Checks For Keeping COVID Symptoms In-Check

The schools check the students’ temperatures regularly. In Israel and Beijing students/parents are also filling out mandatory health forms.

Outdoor Classes

All the countries have prohibited schools from allowing children to play in the playground. Teachers are holding classes outside in order to have more space. Other than this, schools are also reducing the number of students per class. These measures are helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 while allowing the “new normal” life to continue.

Regular Handwashing and Protective Gear

Schools in Denmark, Japan, and Norway have set up sanitization desks and sinks all around the school to encourage frequent washing of hands and sanitization. In Taiwan, schools require children to wear masks the whole time. Schools in countries like Israel have asked students to wear protective gear outside but not in classrooms.

The number of children per classroom has definitely shrunk and teachers regularly sanitize children’s toys and stationery. A large number of schools around the world are yet to open their schools, however. It is pertinent that we teach our kids to wash their hands regularly and instill the importance of social distancing and sanitization in them at home as well.

Take of yourself and your family. In these testing times, it is important to take of your physical health but taking care of your mental health is of equal importance. For health insurance and other related queries, head on to or call at 219 321-0009 or 708 754-5300.

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