Can Schools Become the Epicenter for Another Coronavirus Crisis?


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News by Sara Health Estimates

Doctors and experts all around the world have expressed grave concerns about reopening the schools. According to experts, schools can quickly become the epicenter of yet another wave of COVID-19, if they don’t take proper precautions.

Schools as the epicenters of COVID-19

Over the last few months, various reports have surfaced regarding the perils of coronavirus at school. Children can aid in the community spread of coronavirus even when they are asymptomatic.

Earlier, experts seemed to believe that children do not transmit COVID-19. This consensus came after flawed research: the researchers simply did not get enough time to collect data because the schools were immediately closed after the outbreak of coronavirus.

Georgia Summer Camp Incident

We all observed the practical manifestation of this fact in the Georgia summer camp incident. The summer school followed the necessary protocols and encouraged campers and staff members to sanitize regularly. However, the campers did not wear masks and 7-9 children shared a single bunkroom.

 According to reports, 260 out of the 344 participants developed the symptoms of coronavirus. This contradicts the earlier reports that children did not carry the virus. It is now clear from carious incidents that children are carriers of COVID-19 even when they are asymptomatic.

Teachers and Students Quarantined in Israel

Israel was one of the very few countries which were able to curb the spread of COVID-19 right away. Israel imposed strict lockdowns in March and was able to contain the spread of the virus.

Once the virus got under control the government decided to ease the lockdown. So, businesses and schools reopened in May. However, the officials quickly shut down all the schools by the end of May due to a sharp rise in Coronavirus cases all over the country. Thousands of students and teachers quarantined themselves on official orders.

Schools must take the necessary precautions

To curb the spread of COVID-19, experts suggest that schools must conduct regular temperature checks and ensure that every student and faculty member wears a mask.

In addition to this, they must observe strict social distancing. Carry out regular sanitization of doorknobs, bathrooms, and classrooms. All schools must have a full-time nurse on campus to avoid any mishaps.

Parting thoughts

COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of healthy habits, cleanliness, and regular checkups. In this time of health crisis, it is very important to be in touch with a healthcare professional. Head on to or call at 219 321-0009 or 708 754-5300.

to get a reliable health insurance program.

Sanitize regularly and keep your loved ones (virtually) close.

Happy fall!

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